
How Can We Help?

We develop quality projects with an optimal balance between comfort, price and trust


Governmental Incentive and Turquality Consultancy

Nexus Loop provides project and grant support to local or foreign companies, associations, foundations, institutions and organizations. By Karasekreter National and International Management Consulting Governmental incentives applied to investments in Turkey are realized in the form of general, regional, sectoral, project-based, low-interest financing and grants. By Karasekreter National and International Management Consultancy helps investors to implement the most appropriate support program by performing changes, innovations and material or material analysis in investment sectors. Nexus Loop continues the preparation and implementation management of project grant supports within the scope of institutions, organizations, associations, foundations, domestic or foreign companies. Our team, working on project writing, financing calculation and the creation of similar project items, includes the real application factors in the work program as a result of the questions they will ask you. 

State Support and Incentives are our consultancy subjects

KOSGEB Supports
Ministry of Trade Supports
Ministry of Tourism Supports
Ministry of Industry and Technology Supports
Rural Development Supports
TÜBİTAK R&D Supports
Development Agencies Supports
International Supports
Investment Incentives

We create growth strategies to support companies accepted to brand support and Turquality programs to become brands in the international arena.

We create and follow growth strategies that determine the importance criteria for companies and companies accepted to brand support and Turquality programs to become international brands. How do the right strategies create a difference? According to the limitations of the Turquality program legislation, the support period for each target market should be limited to 5 years. This situation also increases the importance of entering the right country at the right time and fully equipped. With the Turquality Strategic Business Plan and Development guide, we enable your company or enterprise to focus on markets where it can compete and on corporate equipment that can make a difference. In the first stage of our services, which starts with your acceptance to the Turquality program, target exporting markets and development areas will be determined and the most suitable strategic plan will be prepared for you. In the second stage, the development of corporate competencies that will sort your company out from the competition will be ensured. In this context, projects will be presented in areas determined specifically for your company's position in the market. Our expert teams in Supply Chain, Financial Affairs, Strategy Formation, Sales and Marketing, Analytics and Technology will enable you to implement the corporate transformation that will be effective in your participation in competition on international platforms.